1. "Perhaps I'd better mention what my wife wants for me - to stop buying and driving so many fast cars." - Poor guy, I love fast cars myself.

2. "Professionally, I hope to grow, to continue to learn and to study. You learn from every picture. Right now, I'm learning from my role in 'The Rains of Ranchipur'." - I've never seen The Rains of Ranchipur. Does anyone know if it's a good film?

3. "As a Welshman, may I hope that someday more people will become acquainted with the beautiful Welsh language and the lovely Welsh songs." - I don't think many people are aware of Welsh songs and language. I became a bit familiar when I was in a the play Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas in High School. I played Mrs Pugh, whose husband keeps trying to murder her. Talk about marital issues. Turns out Richard Burton performed this play on the radio quite a few times.
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