Showing posts with label Ida Lupino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ida Lupino. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Film Title Quiz 7

"A couple of Paul Reveres"
If you need some hints:
  • It was a 1940 film
  • The film starred Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bogart, Ann Sheridan and George Raft

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Girl to Watch: Joan Leslie

Girl To Watch: Joan Leslie, now appearing in High Sierra, with Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino.
High Sierra will be on TCM September 11, 2010 at 10 pm est and October 16, 2010 at 12 pm est.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What 100 Stars Want Most in 1956 - Hugh O'Brian

Hugh O'Brian (born April 19, 1923) is probably best known as Wyatt Earp in the television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp. The show ran from 1955 to 1961 with a total of 226 episodes!
Some Hugh O'Brian Trivia:
  • Hugh was "discovered" by the fabulous Ida Lupino
  • He became friends with Marilyn Monroe during the filming of There's No Business Like Show Business
  • Hugh was a soda jerk at Schwab's Drugstore on Sunset Boulevard
  • Hugh established the HOBY Award (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Award)
  • Hugh is the the youngest ever Marine Drill Seargeant at the tender age of 17
  • He was inducted into the Western Hall of Fame in 1992
  • Hugh was the last person killed on screen by John Wayne (In 1976's The Shootist)
  • Hugh waited until he was 81 to get married. He married teacher Virginia Barber, 30 years his junior, whom he had dated for 18 years. They were married with music by Debbie Reynolds, June 25, 2006.
What were Hugh's 1956 wishes:
"I'd like to find the right girl"
Obviously this took a long time since he didn't marry until 2006!
"I'd like to continue to do three or four motion pictures a year and continue with my television series Wyatt Earp"
"As a citizen, I think also in terms of Hollywood and the good it can do through the medium of motion pictures. In 1956, I hope we have more movies like Blackboard Jungle and Trial".
I just saw Blackboard Jungle and it was fabulous! Glenn Ford and Sidney Poitier - how can you go wrong?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Vintage Inspiration August 27th Ida Lupino

Since Ida Lupino is the Star of the Day on TCM, she's my vintage inspiration for today. I love how totally strong, yet beautiful she was. Never one to care about what other people thought, blazing trails long since dominated by men. One of the greats. I will probably stay up way too late catching the fabulous Ms Lupino on the screen.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Favorite Foods of Famous Stars Ida Lupino

Ida Lupino offers the modern housewife a fabulous meal in 1934

Her meal includes Cream of Mushroom Soup, Ripe Olives, Celery Curls, Southern Cheese Salad, Bran Muffins, and Coffee

To shake things up, she also included some oddities including: Southern Cheese Salad, Rice Paramount, and Cantaloupe Ice

I have never heard of Southern Cheese Salad, and aside from the mayo, I would eat it. The Rice Paramount sounds pretty interesting, so I would venture to try it once.

If you need a recipe for Bran Muffins, here are a few links:
For some Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipes, check out:

Obviously we all know Ida Lupino made it big (and well deserved). This is Ida in one of my favorite Twilight Zone Episodes 16MM Shrine (1959). I often wish that I could jump back into one of my favorite films, perhaps something fun like The Thin Man or one with fabulous fashion like The Women. What film would you like to jump back into?


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