Leslie Howard lived in Dorking, Surrey in a 16th Century Farm House named Stowe Maries. He thought he had bought a "white elephant", but it seems like an amazing home to me. He and his wife Ruth would entertain many celebrities there including Bette Davis and Ingrid Bergman. According to a fascinating story on the UK Telegraph, his wife Ruth even novel way of keeping him away from his glamorous female guests.
Leslie Howard; 1941
If this isn't the way I expect an Englishman to look, I don't know what is!
Esther Ralston and Lawrence Tibbett; 1931; The Prodigal
"Something new in the party line was tried out by Mrs. Lawrence Tibbett recently. She entertained with the London String Quartet at a distinctly highbrow function. It proved no great strain either on the Hollywoodians, who are scarcely acclimated to so much artiness of an evening. We noted among the guests Ina Claire, Dale Owen, Fay Wray, Theda Bara, Leslie Howard, Kathlyn Williams, John Loder, Walter Huston, Marie Dressler, and others of a select group.
After the music the guests were privileged to disport themselves in the swimming pool, but the only ones who took advantage of that frivolity were one or two members of the quartet."