Showing posts with label Saint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vintage Inspiration July 22nd

TCM had a bunch of Saint movies on this afternoon, so of coarse I was glued to my set. George Sanders has such a different way of portraying the Saint from Vincent Price (The Saint on the radio). I have to admit, I still prefer Price. That voice . . .

Anyway, one of the films was Saint in London from 1939. It naturally contained espionage and counterfeiters. The "Girl Friday" to George Sanders' Saint was Penelope Parker, played by Sally Gray.

I had never heard of her. With B pictures, that is only natural I suppose. It turns out she was not in films that long.

For a Bio, check out:

She ended up marrying a Lord and retiring

As a side note, her stepson inspired a part of The Beatles song "A Day in the Life". He was the lad who crashed his car.


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