Showing posts with label Peggy Lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peggy Lee. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dewey Looks for Greener Pastures

Dewey Martin

Dewey Martin

Is expected to file for divorce soon, and that’s a pity.  He and his wife went through some mighty lean years together.  Now that his career is clicking, his marriage seems to be doing just exactly the opposite.  The price of fame can be high.

[Source: Movieland; February 1955]

Dewey Martin and Peggy Lee

I assume Movieland is referring to his first wife Margaret Ann Havelhurst.  I cannot find any marriage dates for the two.  Martin was also married to singer Peggy Lee from 1956-1958.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What 100 Stars Want in 1956 - Peggy Lee

The stunning Peggy Lee (May 26, 1920 - January 21, 2002) was a fabulous songstress. Although she had a lengthy musical career, I know her best from her work on the Disney classic, Lady and the Tramp. Born Norma Delores Egstrom, she decided to become a singer at age 14, she penned many well known songs including the smash hit "Fever". What did Peggy Lee wish for in 1956?

"Personally, I'd like to limit my night-club engagements next year so I can stay home more with my daughter."

"I'd like my own regular TV show in 1956 and I want to do a picture now and then - like Pete Kelly's Blues." - Peggy has 13 credits as an actress but no films after 1955 and she did not get her own TV show.

"I wish they'd pass stricter humane laws to protect animals" - Very timely since I'm watching the AKC Dog Show right now. Go terriers!


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