Linda Darnell finishes off the wishes from the October 1946 Photoplay. There have been some serious ones, and some light hearted ones. Let's see what Linda wishes for . . .
"There is just one thing I have really wished for in my life that hasn't come true so far, and that is to go to South America. I suppose every person has one place where he would rather go than than any other place in the world - a place beyond the horizon of the world which beckons - a distant Shangri-La."

"When I was growing up in Texas, we had a servant who was born and raised in Brazil. Her romantic stories about the South American way of life fired me with a great desire to go there and sometimes I actually find myself feeling wanting for a land I had never seen. It was a strange feeling and it has never quite left me. Every time I hear Brazilian music I get the urge to suddenly fling everything aside and hop the next ship sailing south. I'm sure I wouldn't [next word unreadable in my copy here] in the country because I believe that beauty [next words unreadable in my copy here] lie in the eyes of the see-er."
I absolutely enjoyed this foray into the secret wishes of some of vintage Hollywood's greatest stars, thank you very much for taking us such an adventure. Can't wait to see what you have in store next, honey!
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
Lovely post
This was wonderful, I loved reading it!
Lovely post. I've never heard of Linda Darnell before, it's always great to find out a little something about lesser known actresses from back then.
Wonderful! Linda Darnell's been an obsession of mine as of late, and this was quite interesting.
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