The next star is timely since the Kennedy's are in the news

Here is Peter Lawford's wish for His Parents from the October 1946 issue of Photoplay:
"My dearest wish ever since coming to America", commented Peter Lawford, "has been to someday reclaim all of the cherished possessions which they had to leave behind in England when they came here"

"You see, in our travels around the world, they collected many unique and irreplaceable keepsakes - keepsakes that have fond memories or sentimental value attached to them. Some of them were given to them by Indian Rajahs, princesses, high llamas, African Chiefs, or witch doctors. Some of them are thousands of years old and have weird stories attached to them."
(This has me totally intrigued by the way, but alas, I could not find anything about what untold treasures they may have acquired)

"When the war came, we couldn't go back to England. We still haven't found out what condition our home and possessions are in."

"If I could build my parents a duplicate of the home we had there, complete with a lane and large garden and fill it with all the treasured souvenirs they collected throughout their lives, then I could honestly be happy, because I know how happy that would make them."
(On a side note, I'm not sure if riding bikes and driving cars by a pool is the best idea)
1 comment:
What a fascinating wish. Having moved many times in my life, often having to part with the majority of my worldly goods, there is a side of me that really empathizes with his desire to help track down lost heirlooms.
(BTW, just wanted to mention how absolutely much I adore your new blog layout! The polka dot pattern and header photos are delightful, great design choices, sweetie!)
Oodles of hugs,
♥ Jessica
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