
Friday, July 7, 2017

Marvelous Mover Mitzi

Mitzi Gaynor practicing for her early 1960's nightclub act

According to Life Magazine, August 4, 1961:  

Miss Mitzi played the Flamingo Hotel.  1000 people were turned
away a night and the show was held over for 2 weeks.

She was leery about doing the show to begin with because as she said, 
"I didn't want to compete with the booze and smoke"  (page 49)

She was paid $40,000 a week and the hotel
agreed to help fund her next two films.

Mitzi ends her show by portraying movie queens from various eras

A 20's tango queen, a 30's European goddess a la 
Dietrich or Garbo, 40's stripteaser, and finally her 
turn as Nellie Forbush in the 50's era South Pacific

Here's a view of the Vegas Strip showing the Flamingo Hotel with 
Mitzi's name on the bill.  The sign appears near 7:49

Source:  Life Magazine; August 4, 1961; Page 48-49

1 comment:

  1. Wow, whatafigure Mitzi had! Being blessed with a tiny waist and gloriously long legs is a gift rarely bestowed on us mere mortals! Was she mostly known for musical theatre? I have only ever seen her in No Business Like Show Business
