
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bara's Beauty Business

Theda Bara's persona inspired perfume and beauty products.

  They were marketed through Zanol Lorens La Bara perfumer.

Ms. Bara received a royalties from these products for her entire life.


Craig, Joan and Stout, Beverly F., 2016, Theda Bara, My Mentor. McFarland.
Cosmetics by the American Product Company - Collecting Vintage Compacts
La Bara Bath Powder Lorens Perfumer Zanol Art Deco - Ruby Lane


  1. I never knew Theda inspired a cosmetics line! How cool is that?

  2. I just participated in a life drawing session that had a Theda Bara theme. I am so curious to know more about her. I know she wasn't as exotic as she made out, but still!
