
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week in Review

Films I've Watched

  • I Love a Mystery (1945) - First in the 'I Love a Mystery' B Movie series based on the great radio program of the same name.  Two detectives: Jack Packard (played by Jim Bannon) and 'Doc' Long (played by Barton Yarborough) are on the trail of an oriental cult who prophesied death for a man.  The creepy thing is that the leader of this "cult" offered the man $10,000 for his head which they planned to use for their leader.  They had mummified their leader and wanted to replace his rotting head with the man's (played by George Macready, the villain from Gilda).  Fun mystery.  I was definitely surprised with the ending, which I won't spoil for you guys.

  • Devil's Mask (1946) - Second entry in the 'I Love a Mystery' series starring Barton Yarborough and Jim Bannon.  When an extra shrunken head shows up, detectives Jack Packard and 'Doc' Long try to figure out where it came from.  There are some great characters in this film.  My favorite person in this film was the delightful Anita Louise.  I simply adore her, and have ever since seeing her in The Little Princess (1939).
Jeff Donnell from The Unknown (1946)

  • Unknown (1946) - An old woman looks back on her life and tries to correct the horrible wrongs she committed during her lifetime.  The reading of her will brings together all those whom she wronged.  But there is a disturbed killer on the loose, too.  I liked this interesting detective tale.  This film is part of a B Movie 'I Love a Mystery' series featuring two detectives: Jack Packard (played by Jim Bannon) and 'Doc' Long (played by Barton Yarborough).  Frankly, they were unnecessary to the story.  I found the cast of characters living in the old mansion so intriguing that the murders took away from their greatness. 

Making of a Lady; Release Date 15 April 2014

  • Making of a Lady (2012) - Another PBS gem based on the book by Frances Hodgsen Burnett, the author behind such classic books as The Secret Garden and The Little Princess.  I love those two books immensely, and did as a child, but this tale is very different.  It's a Gothic romance of the first order.  I loved this tale and the film was nicely done.  Suspenseful and intriguing, I was riveted to the very end.  Another film to add to my wishlist.
Wrong Box (1966)
  • Wrong Box (1966) - Funny comedy of errors about a tontine between school children.  As with any tontine, the last one alive would get the money.  Some other classic tontines: Grandpa Simpson and the Hell-Fish and the Archer crew's tontine.  This tontine has just two members left, brothers, whose descendants basically try to kill the other brother.  Who thought attempted murder was so funny?  The acting was wonderful.  The Brits even know how to make murder elegant.  Starring Michael Caine and John Mills.  

Links of the Week

  • There have been some amazing couturiers that aren't so well remembered these days.  Vintage Chic features one such, Angele Delanghe.  This is a wonderful feature from Saturday Book Annual from 1947.

19th Century Landscape Alphabet

Mister Courtesy Alphabet
  • A good video about Depression from the World Health Organization.  Helpful, but I still don't think people want to authentically know what's going on with you.  Through personal experience, they just stay away or tell you to stop being negative.  And I wish they could have thought of a different way to explain it as opposed to "black dog".  I love dogs, and part of me thinks it sounds a bit racist.  Couldn't they use an inanimate object instead like a mattress or a steamroller?  

  • I love finding out what those I admire think are wonderful books or books that are in their library.  So thanks to The Art of Manliness for a list of what was in the library of Theodore Roosevelt.  There are definitely some great books on his list.
Teddy Roosevelt Reading
19th Century "Pick-Up" Calling Card

1 comment:

  1. Those first two films sound *excellent*. You do find the best things to watch!
