
Friday, April 2, 2010

Vintage Book of the Week - The Gracie Allen Murder Case by S.S.Van Dine

I had high hopes for this one because I adore the Philo Vance books and films, but after reading The Gracie Allen Murder Case, I was really annoyed. I know it is sacrilege, but I can't stand Gracie Allen! Her voice and manner are just grating to me. This book fully captured her mannerisms, so I suppose S. S. Van Dine did a good job.
Philo Vance for some reason came across Gracie Allen and her entourage. She basically helped Philo Vance solve the mystery. There were some site antics with her family and George Burns. They weren't yet together at the beginning of the novel, and at the end they got engaged. For some reason they also both worked at a perfume factory.
This was a pretty good book if you love Gracie Allen and mysteries. I love mysteries, but not really Gracie Allen. She seemed like a sweetie, but that voice is just nails on a chalkboard for me. Oh well, on to the next mystery.


  1. Hi - I am loving discovering your blog - what a wonderful idea. I love mysteries - but like you not really Gracie Allen. Fab picture though.

    Thanks for sharing
    and congratulations on your lovely blog


  2. I admit, I actually know nothing about this, but I love a good mystery as well, so I will look into this book!

    I just found your blog, and lovelove it! Will defiantely follow!

  3. I can take Gracie in very, very small does. Her scatterbrain persona can be endearing, but I agree with that it can also grate one's nerves rather quickly ;D

    Wishing you a blissful Tuesday!
    ♥ Jessica
