
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Weird Wednesday Kiddie Koop

I found this fun little invention for child protection called the Kiddie Koop. It is basically the same concept as a chicken coop, or a playpen on stilts that is completely enclosed.

The Kiddie Koop was patented in Nov 25, 1913 by Edward Maurice Trimble of Rochester, New York. It is basically supposed to be a combination Crib and Play Pen.

According to the Patent Application, the crib could be lowered to the floor and the top removed so the baby could play.

To be used as a crib, the legs can be raised and covered so it can be an enclosed crib.

Sounds really interesting, because it could be folded up like a carrying crib of today.

Wonder why it fell out of style. All I can think of is that not many kids wanted to feel like a chicken in a cage.


  1. I just ran across the Kiddie Koop while reading my father's baby book. In 1916 his mother describes mail ordering one and using it outside "whenever weather permitted" (December in Kansas). They hauled it all over the country in their Hudson Super Six.

  2. I've got a great story about the "Kiddie Koop". I have three generations still using the same Koop. My father used it when he was a baby (1943), his brother (1947), me (1963) and my own three kids (1997, 2000, and 2003). Of course, we restored it prior to the more recent use. It was very safe and sturdy, but collapsible if needed. It is in a dark hardwood with brass screen - very attractive. We're all from Florida originally and the parents brought us to the beach in it. In an era before air conditioning, the screen kept the bugs out.

  3. I came upon a kiddie koop and was wondering if anyone has an idea of worth

    1. These are so rare now days, that one in good to excellent condition could bring up to $2000.00 at some antique shows. Age and condition are important, with documentation and stickers a plus.

  4. My brother and I spent our earliest years in one (he was born in 1950, I in '55). It was great. My father put springs under the legs, so it would bounce when we did. Or maybe those came on it! Heavily built thing—I can't imagine how people carried it around.
    I scratched my upper leg on it escaping from it one day when the gate was half folded down. The edge of the metal screen was protruding through its frame a bit on the hinge side. Interesting parallel scratches on the back of my leg.
    We borrowed those spring feet and put them under a new crib when my first daughter was born. She and the many siblings who followed all loved to bounce on those springs.

  5. I have one in my garage. It needs to be restored. It was my baby bed in 1942. We lived in the country and lots of bugs in the summer and no air conditioning. My brother used it in 1947 and it was used for several cousins.

  6. I have been looking for an image of this. This is my crib from 1951 exactly. We gave it to our next door neighbours in Canada...only to have Prime Minister Trudeau's son Michel sleep in it on a special visit with his nanny.

  7. I have one in excellent condition. Have all the parts even the wheels. How do I get it appraised and sell it?

  8. Wish I new how to get it appraised. No idea.
