
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Favorite Foods of Famous Stars Ida Lupino

Ida Lupino offers the modern housewife a fabulous meal in 1934

Her meal includes Cream of Mushroom Soup, Ripe Olives, Celery Curls, Southern Cheese Salad, Bran Muffins, and Coffee

To shake things up, she also included some oddities including: Southern Cheese Salad, Rice Paramount, and Cantaloupe Ice

I have never heard of Southern Cheese Salad, and aside from the mayo, I would eat it. The Rice Paramount sounds pretty interesting, so I would venture to try it once.

If you need a recipe for Bran Muffins, here are a few links:
For some Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipes, check out:

Obviously we all know Ida Lupino made it big (and well deserved). This is Ida in one of my favorite Twilight Zone Episodes 16MM Shrine (1959). I often wish that I could jump back into one of my favorite films, perhaps something fun like The Thin Man or one with fabulous fashion like The Women. What film would you like to jump back into?


  1. Haha yes!-- finally a gal I've heard of. ;)

    Good choices...those would both be grand movies to jump into. I'd say maybe Stage Door...what fun.

  2. Ida Lupinon I've heard of ;)
    Her menu doesn't sound that bad, the Southern Cheese salad sounds like it could possibly be pretty good. Great post!

  3. Stage Door would definitely be fun. Great choice Juliette!
