
Friday, August 28, 2009

Favorite Foods of Famous Stars: Gloria Shea

Golly gee, another tough one today. This lovely lady is the gorgeous Gloria Shea (May 30 1910-Feb 8 1995). Gloria offers us a lovely luncheon of 1930s fare. It includes: Grape-Orange Cocktail, Moon Salad, Deviled Ham Sandwiches, and Ocean Foam Chocolate. The Ocean Foam Chocolate and the Grape-Orange Cocktail sound good. Again, the starlets offer something with mayo. Why must they always use one of my least favorite condiment?

The above is the only decent photo of Gloria Shea I could find. I will need to do a lot more research to do justice to this wonderful lady.
Some Gloria Shea trivia:
  • She was 5'3"
  • Gloria's real name is Olive Gloria Shea
  • Gloria had 3 children and was married to only one man, Vice Admiral Robert J. Stroh from 1938 until her death. Can you believe it - an actor or actress with only 1 spouse?
  • Unfortunately her career was cut short because of an auto accident
  • Gloria was the sister of New York lawyer William A. Shea, the man who Shea Stadium was named after

We are coming down to the end. Only two ladies left!


  1. Well Hello Amanda! Thanks so much for following over at Armchair Housewife, and consider yourself followed right back! I love the look of your blog, and it looks like we are like-minds when it comes to loving all things retro. :)


  2. Isn't it amazing how often mayo pops up (and often in copious quantities - and this was in the pre "light may" days) in vintage recipes?

    Over all I think this meal sounds pretty tasty, the Ocean Foam Chocolate is certainly intriguing - if only for it's cool name :)

    Tons of hugs & happy Saturday wishes, sweetie!
    ♥ Jessica

  3. Eeeeeps, tiny typo, sorry!!! I meant to say "light mayo", but forgot the "o" :)

  4. Many of these recipes are from the early electric refrigeration days. They naturally feature products that need to stay refrigerated. Thanx for the great *Gloria Shea* sighting! Jeannie Weller Cooper, PC, FL
