
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Favorite Foods from Famous Stars: Ginger Rogers

The fabulous Ginger Rogers (July 16 1911 - April 25 1995) was the answer! This stunningly talented star provides us with her favorite dinner with a "continental piquancy". Her dinner includes: Tomato Ice, Baked Veal Birds, Parsley Buttered Potatoes, Broccoli with Hollandaise Sauce, Hot Rolls with Butter, Cranberry Matchstick Ring, Date Butterscotch Pudding, and of course Coffee. I think I might even try the pudding.

Wonderful Ginger also includes an additional dessert as well as a Midnight Snack (Yeah!). For dessert, Ginger chooses Fresh Strawberry Glace. Sounds delicious. I definitely will try this recipe! And for a Midnight Snack: Late Supper Salad, Peanut Parsley Sandwich, and Grape Mint Punch. I really like the Grape Mint Punch recipe and am intrigued by the Peanut Parsley Sandwich, but I'm not sure if the Late Supper Salad would agree with my tummy in the middle of the night.

I think it's pretty safe to assume that y'all know about Ginger, so I'll just give a little trivia:

Her great-great-grandfather was a doctor who discovered quinine, the cure for malaria

Turned down
Donna Reed's role in It's a Wonderful Life (1946).

Was kind of related to my fav, Rita Hayworth. Ginger's aunt married Rita's uncle.

The Fabulous Ginger at Work


  1. I love Ginger, so beautiful and talented.

    Some of those look interesting, the strawberry glace.


  2. Wonderful post. I actually only knew a little bit about Ginger, even though I'm a fan. Interesting facts! I can't imagine her in It's a Wonderful Life (which is one of my very favorite movies).
    I always find it fascinating to read about who almost played a role in famous movies but didn't for whatever reason.

  3. Weird!-- Never knew she turned down Donna's role. Gosh, that'd have been cool, huh?

    Yummy recipe! :)

  4. Great recipe, i'd love to try it!

  5. OMG My 2 favorite things, Classic Hollywood and recipes!! Mandy just happened upon this website when I googled George Brent. Was watching him at the time. Anyway so happy to have found your blog. It looks awesome! xoxo Lisa

  6. Sorry for the almost year late reply. According to the recipe above (click on the first picture to enlarge if you want the original wording)

    Tomato Ice
    Jar of tomato juice (I assume like V8 or something similar)
    Bit of Celery salt
    Bit Worcestershire sauce
    Onion juice to taste

    Pour onto a tray (like a cookie sheet I assume) and freeze. Stir occasionally during freezing process. When ready to serve, scrape mix with a fork for about 5 minutes. Serve in dessert dishes with a garnish of lemon slice.

    To me, it sounds like a granita, only with tomato juice instead of lemon, strawberry or some other juice.
