
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vintage Inspiration July 22nd

TCM had a bunch of Saint movies on this afternoon, so of coarse I was glued to my set. George Sanders has such a different way of portraying the Saint from Vincent Price (The Saint on the radio). I have to admit, I still prefer Price. That voice . . .

Anyway, one of the films was Saint in London from 1939. It naturally contained espionage and counterfeiters. The "Girl Friday" to George Sanders' Saint was Penelope Parker, played by Sally Gray.

I had never heard of her. With B pictures, that is only natural I suppose. It turns out she was not in films that long.

For a Bio, check out:

She ended up marrying a Lord and retiring

As a side note, her stepson inspired a part of The Beatles song "A Day in the Life". He was the lad who crashed his car.


  1. How gorgeous is that gal in her ballerina outfit?

    Lovely roundup of movie images and behind the scenes facts, sweetie! Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!

    ♥ Jessica

  2. I would urge anyone who is interested in British films to see her performance in Dangerous Moonlight.

    Great post xx

  3. Gorgeous pictures!

    Thank you so much for your comments at "the Attic".

    xx DJ
